
The 17 most toxic laboratory reagents, don’t be careless!



DMSO is dimethyl sulfoxide, which has a wide range of uses. It is used as a solvent for acetylene, aromatic hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide and other gases, as well as a solvent for acrylic fiber spinning. It is an extremely important non-protonic polar solvent that is soluble in both water and organic solvents. It has strong permeability to the skin, which helps drugs penetrate into the human body. It can also be used as an additive for pesticides. It is also a very important chemical reagent.

DMSO is also a permeability protectant that can lower the freezing point of cells, reduce the formation of ice crystals, alleviate free radical damage to cells, and change the permeability of biological membranes to electrolytes, drugs, toxins, and metabolites.

However, studies have shown that DMSO has serious toxic effects, reacting with the hydrophobic groups of proteins, causing protein denaturation, and having vascular toxicity and hepatotoxicity and kidney toxicity.

DMSO is a highly toxic substance. When using it, you must avoid its volatilization. Prepare 1%-5% ammonia water for use. If it comes into contact with the skin, wash it with plenty of water and dilute ammonia water. The most common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, rash, and the smell of garlic, onion, and oyster on the skin and in exhaled gas.

Inhalation: High concentrations may cause headache, dizziness and sedation.

Skin: Can burn and cause irritation, as seen with rashes and blisters. If DMSO comes in contact with water in the skin, it can produce a thermal reaction. Avoid contact with DMSO solutions containing toxic materials or substances, as their toxicity is unknown, but DMSO may penetrate the skin and transfer toxic substances to the skin under certain conditions. Absorption: The risk of absorption is very low.




EB: EB (Ethidium bromide)

Ethidium bromide is a highly sensitive fluorescent stain used to observe DNA in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. Ethidium bromide is excited by a standard 302nm UV transilluminator and emits an orange-red signal. The most common method for observing DNA in agarose gels is to use the fluorescent dye ethidium bromide for staining. Ethidium bromide contains a tricyclic planar group that can be embedded between the stacked bases of DNA. Ethidium bromide is a strong mutagen and is highly carcinogenic! It will evaporate at 60-70 degrees (so it is best not to add it when the gel is too hot, or it should be added to the liquid, 0.5ug/ml, staining for half an hour) (When too much EB is added, you can also soak the stained gel in water at room temperature for 20 minutes to reduce the background fluorescence caused by unbound EB).

Purification of ethidium bromide solution: Since ethidium bromide has certain toxicity, after the experiment, the solution containing EB should be purified before disposal to avoid polluting the environment and endangering human health.


(1) For solutions with EB content greater than 0.5 mg/ml, they can be treated as follows:

Dilute the EB solution with water to a concentration below 0.5 mg/ml;

Add one volume of 0.5mol/L KMnO4, mix well, then add an equal amount of 25mol/L HCl, mix well, and leave at room temperature for several hours;

Add one volume of 2.5 mol/L NaOH, mix well and discard.

(2) Solutions with EB content less than 0.5 mg/ml can be treated as follows:

Add activated carbon at a rate of 1 mg/ml, shake gently from time to time to mix, and leave at room temperature for 1 hour;

Filter with filter paper and seal the activated carbon with the filter paper before discarding.




DEPC, or diethylprocarbonate, can inactivate various proteins and is a strong inhibitor of RNase. DEPC is a potential carcinogen. During operation, it should be carried out under ventilated conditions as much as possible and avoid contact with the skin. DEPC is not very toxic, but it is the most toxic when inhaled. Wear a mask when using it. If you accidentally get it on your hands, be sure to rinse it immediately. RNase AwayTM reagent can replace DEPC. It is simple to operate, low-priced, and non-toxic. Just pour RNaseAwayTM directly on the surface of glassware and plasticware, soak it, and then rinse it with water to quickly remove RNase on the surface of the vessel, and there will be no residue to interfere with subsequent experiments.




It is a moderately toxic substance that can enter the human body through skin absorption and respiratory tract. Therefore, protective equipment such as anti-gas clothing, anti-gas masks and anti-gas gloves must be worn during handling and use. The main hazard of acrylamide is neurotoxicity, as well as reproductive and developmental toxicity. Neurotoxic effects are manifested as degenerative changes in peripheral nerves and degenerative changes in brain areas involved in learning, memory and other cognitive functions. Tests also show that acrylamide is a possible carcinogen. Epidemiological observations of occupational exposure populations show that long-term low-dose exposure to acrylamide will cause symptoms such as drowsiness, mood and memory changes, hallucinations and tremors, accompanied by peripheral neuropathy such as glove-like sensation, sweating and muscle weakness. It is cumulatively toxic and not easy to detoxify.

Those who have any of the following conditions may be listed as subjects for observation of chronic acrylamide poisoning.

a. The local skin exposed to acrylamide will experience sweating, coldness, peeling and erythema;

b. Symptoms such as numbness, tingling, weakness in the lower limbs, and drowsiness occur;

c. Neuro-electromyography shows suspected neurogenic damage.


Toxic, affects the central nervous system, do not inhale powder.





Strong reducing agent with unpleasant odor. May be hazardous to health by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. When using solid or highly concentrated stock solutions, wear gloves and goggles and operate in a fume hood.




Strong neurotoxicity, prevent accidental aspiration, quick operation, and sealed during storage.




Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride [(PMSF), C7H7FO2S or C6H5CH2SO2F] is a highly toxic cholinesterase inhibitor. It is very destructive to the respiratory mucosa, eyes and skin. It can be fatal by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. Wear appropriate gloves and safety glasses and always use in a chemical fume hood. In case of contact, immediately rinse eyes or skin with plenty of water and discard contaminated work clothes.




Chloroform (CHCl3):

Irritating to the skin, eyes, mucous membranes and respiratory tract. It is a carcinogen and can damage the liver and kidneys. It is also volatile, so avoid breathing volatile gases. Wear appropriate gloves and safety glasses when handling and always work in a chemical fume hood.




Formaldehyde (HCOH):

It is highly toxic and volatile, and is also a carcinogen. It is easily absorbed through the skin and is irritating and damaging to the eyes, mucous membranes, and upper respiratory tract. Avoid inhaling its volatile vapors. Wear appropriate gloves and safety glasses. Always operate in a chemical fume hood. Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flames.




The dye can be fatal or cause blindness if swallowed, and is toxic by inhalation and skin absorption. The possible danger is irreversible effects. Wear appropriate gloves and safety goggles. Handle in a chemical fume hood and do not inhale the powder.




Sodium Azide (NaN3):

Very toxic. It blocks the cytochrome electron transport system. Solutions containing sodium azide should be clearly labeled. May damage health by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. Wear suitable gloves and safety goggles and handle with extreme caution.




Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS):

Toxic, an irritant and causes risk of serious damage to eyes. May cause damage to health by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. Wear suitable gloves and safety goggles. Do not inhale the powder.




Trichloroacetic acid (TCA):

Very corrosive. Wear suitable gloves and safety goggles.


Triton X-100


Triton X-100:

Causes severe eye irritation and burns. May be harmful by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. Wear suitable gloves and goggles.




Ammonium persulfate [(NH4)2S2O8]:

Extremely harmful to mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract tissues, eyes and skin. Inhalation may be fatal. Wear appropriate gloves, safety glasses and protective clothing when handling. Always work in a fume hood and wash hands thoroughly after handling.




Contains toxic phenol. If Trizol comes into contact with your skin, please rinse immediately with plenty of detergent and water. If you still feel uncomfortable, please seek medical advice. If it is only a small amount of contact and the symptoms are alleviated after treatment, it is estimated that the problem is not serious.


Additionally, ultraviolet light or UV rays can damage the retina of the eye. Never use the naked eye or an unprotected UV light source. Common UV light sources used in laboratories include portable UV lamps and UV transilluminators. Observation is only possible through filters or safety glass that absorb harmful wavelengths. UV rays are also mutagenic and carcinogenic. To minimize exposure, ensure that the UV light source is protected with appropriate protective equipment. Wear appropriate protective gloves when working under UV light.



Post time: Aug-13-2024