
Common bad habits in the laboratory, how many do you have ?

Bad habits during the experiment


1. When weighing or measuring samples, record the data on a scratch paper first, and then copy it into the notebook after the sample is done; sometimes the records are filled in uniformly after the experiment is completed;


2. For steps that require timing, the time on the phone or computer is not strictly controlled;


3. When performing gas chromatography analysis, rub the syringe needle directly with your fingers instead of wiping it with filter paper;


4. After washing your hands, wipe directly on the buttocks of the white coat;


5. In order to save trouble, the laboratory door is often not closed, resulting in the inability to effectively control environmental conditions;


6. Start shutting down the instrument before it falls below the limit.


Bad habits in pre-processing


1. Before weighing, do not calibrate and do not check whether the horizontal bubble is in the center;


2. Weighing and counting before the balance is stable;


3. When using a balance, I like to press buttons with my fingertips, and the buttons are broken;


4. When weighing samples, reuse the weighing paper several times;


5. Sometimes weighing or other operations are performed without wearing gloves;


6. Do not prepare acids and alkalis in a fume hood;


7. In the final step of volume determination, a dropper is not used, but a washing bottle is used directly, which makes the volume determination not very accurate, and often exceeds the scale line after standing still;


8. When determining the volume, do not look straight at the scale line of the volumetric flask;


9. When checking the titration amount, do not remove the burette and check directly;


10. Not recording the steps when preparing the solution;


11. Use the medicine spoon to take the material, and the excess medicine will be returned to the bottle;


12. Not paying attention to what to wear when entering the experimental area: wearing slippers when going in and out, sometimes not wearing a white coat, and taking items with bare hands.


Bad habits after completing the experiment


1. Laboratory waste liquid is directly poured into the sink instead of being processed and recycled;


2. After the titration, the liquid in the burette is not poured out in time, and sometimes it is left for a long time;


3. Throwing away used plates and culture medium at random;


4. After using the balance, do not close the balance door;


5. Wear laboratory clothing outside the laboratory, such as in the cafeteria.


Bad habits that affect others


These are mainly problems with experimental operation standards, such as saving reagents, caring for instruments, etc. In the mildest cases, there are problems with one’s own experiments, and in the worst cases, there are problems that affect the laboratory’s atmosphere, such as:


1. Failure to clean up the site in time after the experiment is completed, always leaving a mess for others;


2. Occupying the laboratory’s public computers for a long time, chatting online and playing games, and hindering others from looking up information;


3. Not taking good care of public equipment, concealing damage and not reporting it, and shirking responsibility;


4. The bottle is not marked, so you don’t know what’s inside;


5. The configuration information on the standard solution bottle is not updated;


6. Frequent and unplanned opening of the refrigerator, and the refrigerator door is wide open for certain operations, resulting in unstable refrigerator temperature, affecting the freezing effect of other items placed;


7. Randomly rummaging through the items placed inside, making it difficult for later visitors to find their items;


8. Store beverages, ice cream, bread and other foods in the freezer where the inspection items are stored;


9. Opening items that have been disinfected by others without being placed in a clean bench. Repackaging without informing others;


10. Wearing gloves that are stained with toxic substances (such as EB, PMSF, etc.) and touching anything including door handles, keyboards, etc., causing other people’s bare hands to be indirectly stained with such toxic substances;


11. Bottles with toxic substances are not treated specially but put together with other bottles;


12. Scribbling on the labels of public reagents to indicate one’s own dosage, thus affecting the use of the reagents by future generations;


13. Guns are placed randomly, not put back in the gun rack, and gun tips splashing out in the clean bench are not cleaned up;


14. After using the pipette, do not immediately adjust it back to the maximum scale to allow the spring of the pipette to rest;


15. PCR instrument, if it is not put away in time after use, and the PCR instrument is used as a 4℃ refrigerator, it will shorten its lifespan;


16. Some expired items are not cleaned up in time, such as culture plates, which are left in the refrigerator without care, resulting in insufficient laboratory plates and crowded refrigerators;


17. If the electronic balance is not cleaned in time after use, the residual weighing objects will remain in the balance and on the work surface, affecting the service life and accuracy of the electronic balance;


18. Do not release air after turning off the alcohol lamp. After the alcohol lamp is turned off, do not take off the lid and cover it again. When someone uses it next time, the alcohol lamp will emit a very high flame, which can easily burn people.


19. Not paying attention to energy conservation, not shutting down the computer, leaving the centrifuge in cooling mode at night, leaving the refrigerator door open for a long time, leaving the water bath lid open, leaving the lights on when leaving, leaving the air conditioner on all night, etc.


Post time: Aug-22-2024